What are the Types of SSL Certificates?
- Published in Web & Networks
- Read 2370 times
The number of businesses that use SSL have increased tremendously over the past few years and the reasons for which SSL is used has also increased, for example:
- Some businesses need SSL to simply provide confidentiality (i.e. encryption)
- Some businesses like to use SSL to add more trust or confidence in security and identity (they want you to know that they are a legitimate company and can prove it)
As the applications for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) have started to become wider, three types of SSL Certificates have emerged:
1Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates: where the Certificate Authority (CA) checks the right of the applicant to use a specific domain name PLUS it conducts a THOROUGH vetting of the organization. The issuance process of EV SSL Certificates is strictly defined in the EV Guidelines, as formally ratified by the CA/Browser forum in 2007, that specify all the steps required for a CA before issuing a certificate, and includes:
- Verifying the legal, physical and operational existence of the entity
- Verifying that the identity of the entity matches official records
- Verifying that the entity has exclusive right to use the domain specified in the EV SSL Certificate
- Verifying that the entity has properly authorized the issuance of the EV SSL Certificate
EV SSL Certificates are available for all types of businesses, including government entities and both incorporated and unincorporated businesses. A second set of guidelines, the EV Audit Guidelines, specify the criteria under which a CA needs to be successfully audited before issuing EV SSL Certificates. The audits are repeated yearly to ensure the integrity of the issuance process.
2Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificates: where the CA checks the right of the applicant to use a specific domain name PLUS it conducts some vetting of the organization. Additional vetted company information is displayed to customers when clicking on the Secure Site Seal, giving enhanced visibility in who is behind the site and associated enhanced trust.
3Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificates: where the CA checks the right of the applicant to use a specific domain name. No company identity information is vetted and no information is displayed other than encryption information within the Secure Site Seal.