
Can You Change My DNS for Me?

If you didn't purchase your domain from thewebheads, we are not able to change the DNS since we don't have control over the domain. You may contact the company you purchased the domain from and provid…

What is IP Address?

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is an address assigned to every computer (also includes routers and switches and other devices) on the Internet to uniquely define them. No two computers can use the …

What is Propagation?

When visitors type your domain name into their Web browsers, their request is referred to a Domain Name Server (DNS) that indicates the physical location (the IP address) of your domain on the Interne…

What is DNS?

DNS means Domain Name System (sometimes inaccurately also referred to as Service or Server) - the protocol that provides the framework for web browsing. Computers address each other with numbers call…
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