Registrant Name Change Agreement


1. The following additional terms and conditions (the "Registrant Name Change Agreement" or "RNCA") apply to any change of the registrant (account holder's) name for a second-level domain name ("Registrant Name Change"), and, unless specifically noted otherwise below, apply to you whether you are listed as the registrant before the change (the "Current Registrant") or after the change (the "New Registrant"). The domain name for which this RNCA is being processed shall be referred to in this Schedule as the "Domain Name." The RNCA shall not be effective until both the Current Registrant and the New Registrant have indicated their agreement to the terms and conditions of the Agreement (which includes the terms and conditions of this Schedule). Nothing contained in this Schedule shall be construed as an assignment of the Current Registrant's rights under the Agreement. As used in this Schedule (as in the General Conditions), the word "Agreement" shall mean the Service Provider Service Agreement of which this Schedule is a part.

2. The terms in this section apply only to the Current Registrant. You agree that you and Service Provider are currently parties to the Agreement for the registration of the Domain Name(s). You hereby relinquish your registration of the Domain Name(s) and discharge Service Provider from all obligations under the Agreement, and you release Service Provider from all claims, liabilities or demands arising from the Agreement. You further acknowledge and agree that you are not entitled to a refund of any fees you may have paid to Service Provider. You hereby authorize Service Provider to take all steps necessary to register the Domain Name(s) to the New Registrant, including without limitation, disassociating the Domain Name(s) from the host servers designated by you without further notice. You represent and warrant that you possess the authority to legally bind the Current Registrant of the Domain Name(s) being transferred.

3. The terms in this section apply only to the New Registrant. You acknowledge that you have reviewed and you understand the terms, conditions, representations and warranties of the Agreement in effect as of the date of your application to become the New Registrant. By applying for this Registrant Name Change, you agree to be bound by and to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which includes Service Provider' current Domain Name Dispute Policy. You also reaffirm the accuracy and completeness of all of the information submitted for the Registrant Name Change. Your registration of the Domain Name(s) shall be effective upon Service Provider' transmission of an acknowledgement to you that the Domain Name(s) has been registered to the New Registrant. You agree to pay Service Provider the RNCA processing fee set forth on our Web site, if any, by providing appropriate credit card information as requested. You represent and warrant that you are the New Registrant or possess the authority to legally bind the New Registrant of the Domain Name(s) being transferred. You acknowledge and agree, that unless you register additional registration years for the Domain Name(s), the term of your registration of the Domain Name(s) will be equal to the remaining term of the Current Registrant at the time of the Registrant Name Change.


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